The exhibition

It's been a week since I went to Bocholt with some new knitting friends of mine. Why did we go there? Well, we wanted to see the knitting exhibition (link in German) the textile museum has on at the moment, and we wanted to have a good time knitting in the train there and back.


Here are a few impressions of the day. Everyone had a good time, and I was really happy to get to know a few new, nice people, too! Some of us even contributed a bit to the knitting show ourselves (or decorated the front yard of the museum, at least) with a few pieces of guerilla knitting.


The exhibition itself was really small, but the guided tour was amusing, plus I saw Riihivilla's (a Finnish couple dyeing yarn with natural dyes) mitten set as one of the exhibition objects!


But the train ride there and back was the best part, definitely. I hope we go again soon, maybe somewhere further this time, to get more train knitting time!

The knitting crew
Guerilla Knitt
Riihivilla set
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