And it's gorgeous! I can't say how pleased I am with it. It was quick and fun knit, fits me great, is soft and light, and well - my first finished sweater! Feel free to congratulate me (hih hih!)

The last picture is the most reliable regarding colour - it's black.


Here's the stats:

Needles: 4mm circulars, 80 cm long. Yarn: Novita Julia, 30% wool, 70% acrylic. I got it on sale - the material costs of this sweater are around 7 euro! Size is Medium, I think. There were some mistakes in the pattern in the beginning, but I was able to figure them out. I then told the designer and she corrected them.

Started in April, finished a couple of days ago. 


Mods: I worked in the purl ridge pattern until it reached my bust, then switched to stockinette. 


At the waist, I decreased 3 times, and at the hem, I increased 4 times. At the end, I didn't work garter stitch but the purl row stitch (and had to block hard before it settled). 


In the sleeves I made some decreases starting from the elbow - I decreased every 7 rows, altogehter 6 times, and finished with purl ridges again.

I really like this sweater. I've been wearing it since it was finished, and the top-down no seams approach really suits me. I hope they had more sweaters like this! Definately a success. 




Ensimmäinen villapaitani on valmis. Se on ihana! Se neulottiin ylhäältä alas, ja on täysin saumaton. Sopii minulle!


Tiedot: 4mm, 80 cm pyöröpuikko. Lankana Novita Julia, 30% wool, 70% acrylic, musta.


Tein melko lailla ohjeen mukaan. Käytin yksi-rivi-nurin mallia rintaan saakka, ja vaihdoin sitten sileään neuleeseen. Vyötäröä kohti kavensin 3 kertaa, ja lantiolle lisäsin 4 kertaa (ohjeessa neuvotaan sovittamaan ja kokeilemaan montako kavennusta/lisäystä tarvitaan). 


Hihoissa kavensin myös kyynärpään jälkeen, vaikka kaavassa ei niin sanottukaan. Hyvin istuu!


Olen pitänyt tätä koko ajan siitä saakka kun se valmistui!


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