
I always surprise myself when I finish a pair of socks. I'm currently not very into socks, so every pair feels like a big accomplishment. I finished these in July but as it happens, the blog sometimes has hard time keeping up.


Anyway, here are the specs:
Yarn: Lana Grossa Meilenweit Mega Boots, one 100 gram ball; plenty of yarn was left over
Pattern: Fawkesby Monkey Toes (Rav link)
Needles: 2,5 mm dpns
Modifications: I did five repeats of the pattern on the cuff and not four as suggested in the pattern. Other than that I followed the pattern.


There's one funny thing about these socks: the first sock is at least one size bigger than the second one - it's cuff is wider and longer, the foot is wider... I have knit it much looser than the second one! I must have been paying very little attention to the gauge when knitting the first sock, as the second one is more like the sock gauge I usually get. Now when I think of it, I knit the first sock very quickly; that might be part of the reason.


Has this ever happened to you? What was the reason? Did you do anything about it?


As I usually do, I've decided I won't mind it, as they both fit and look pretty much the same when worn. It might be that the first sock won't be as durable as the second one, but we'll see. I'll save some of the leftovers for darning!


The pattern was nice (even for non- Harry Potter fans), the yarn was great to work with, so all in all this was a very happy sock project.

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Nice socks.
That's funny about the different sizes. Was there a gap between knitting each one? It could be you were stressed & knit one more tightly.
I've been known to knit two socks with different size needles when I've not been paying attention!

i've had that happen, but only when i used different size needles for one than the other. i also usually use a smaller needle for the sole part (per cat bordi's recommendations) and once i forgot to switch it back to the bigger size when i did a toe up sock...so one of those socks is a wee tighter to get on the the other...oh well...i learned to pay closer attention! i hope! :)