Coraline WIP
Blue Shawl WIP

I always miss WIP Wednesdays, so here's my WIP Friday instead!


First my Coraline cardigan, which has actually progressed quite a lot since this photo. It just needs buttons now!


I'm making it with Novita Julia yarn, which is pretty much my staple yarn when it comes to bigger pieces of clothing - it's partly wool, partly acrylic and wears nicely.


I'm also working on another shawl. I'm hoping to make this design my own, but having some trouble with it... this is actually my second try with this yarn and this shawl. Wish me success!


The yarn is handdyed sock yarn (not by me). I don't especially like the colour (anymore), so this shawl -if it's ever finished- is bound to become a present or go to charity.


What are you working on at the moment?

Blue Shawl WIP
Blue Shawl WIP
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