All the new yarn, just for me!

I mean, her whole stash! She said a decluttering bug bit her and got all her stash together and asked me if I'd like to have it. Well, I can't say no to yarn!


So a few days ago she brings me this huge bag full of yarn! I mean, it was like Christmas! I immediately emptied it on the floor and went through everything. It was mostly yarn from the 1990's, a lot of cotton and cotton blends but also some acrylics, viscose and wool. I took the time to photograph the yarn I'm going to keep -let's see what was there.


Here are the acrylic, viscose and rayon yarns. Märker Diamant is viscose yarn in a pretty turqoise, pehaps enough for a little top?


Then there's some blue viscose blend yarn called Lanas Stop Viva, perhaps for a bag, and some funky rayon yarn called Sedan by Lanas Stop. The rayon is packed in a plastic net, it looks quite funny that way - inside the yarn is really shiny and soft. Don't know what to make with it yet though.


That's all for tonight, I'll post more pictures in the next days!

Märker Diamant
Lanas Stop Viva
Stop Sedan
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