Frosty sunflower - this is how my dry winter skin feels like!

I don't know about you, but I get really dry skin in the winter! I wrote down some of my best tips to fight it on my other website, and I thought I'd share an excerpt of that article in case you are struggling with the same problems!


"Depending on where you live, you might need to deal with cold weather in the wintertime. While cold, snowy days are beautiful and enjoyable, winter weather and the drastic change going from fresh freezing outdoors to heated indoors and back many times daily can be hard on your skin, too. (...)


The fact is that in the summertime your skin needs less moisturizing than in winter. For example, you might only use a day cream to moisturize your face in the summer, but it might be that you’ll need to complement that product with a night cream in the winter months. In the nighttime your skin has the chance to regenerate and heal itself, but if your skin is feeling dry or looking dull in the morning, it means that it's not able to do that the way it should be. You can help the process by using a nutritious; all-natural night cream with ingredients that support your skin's healing efforts throughout the night. (...)


Another great tip for skin care in winter is to improve your skin's moisture levels by using a hydrating mask every two weeks. A good mask should be able to deeply hydrate and moisturize your skin. Go 100% natural! Completely natural masks are usually safer and more effective than ones with synthetic ingredients.(...)"


Like said, these are just snippets of the main article, so if you're interested why not drop by at my other site Natural Perfect Skin.

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