Handdyed socks

Happy new year! I hope you had a good Christmas season and are read for the new year? I've been working hard on my Shining life workbooks and I am very ready for the new year! It is a year of big jubilees, like Finland's 100 years of independence celebration year plus several round birthdays in my family and I have high hopes for the year. I will be posting some plans here, too, I am sure.


But anyhow, first to this last knit FO post of the year. It's pair of simple socks, but I am delighted to post about them as they are a further symbol of my returned knitting mojo and the partly return of this blog to its original knit blog character.


So here they are! Plain 2x2 ribbed socks "handdyed with KoolAid by me" yarn in blue-purple-red tones. They fit me snugly so they are about size 38-39, and I knit them on 2,5 mm dpns, flap heel and kitchener stitch toe - as I usually do when I work without a pattern.


So with this post I leave 2016 behind. Personally, it has been a very good year even though globally it has been very turbulent and disturbing at times. My wish for myself, you and the world in 2017 is happiness, openness, love and abundance. A toast to that!

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