
My October Small Item is finished! I present to you, the Huge Urchin!


Pattern: Urchin by Ysolda
Yarn: Craftspun Yarns Homespun 100% wool. I won this skein at the WWKIP Day in 2008 in Dublin from the lovely yarn shop This is Knit. The yarn's really thick and thin, but mostly thick, so for the longest time I didn't know what to do with it. But the I found Urchin and it seemed perfect! I used most of the yarn, I'm estimatimg close to 200 grams (the skein was 250 grams)
Needles: 7mm
Modifications: None, except that the hat came out too big. That doesn't matter when it's slouchy big, you know, at the back, but when the brim is too big you can't really wear the hat. So I had to sew in a few centimeters - I just made two little folds to the brim at the back of the hat and sewed them togehter, which helped! Now the hat fits and due to the nature of the yarn no-one can see the folds or my crappy sewing!

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Thank you both! Indeed the yarn was perfect and because of the bigger gauge the hat is now looking really extravagant!