Anemone Nemorosa sachets
Anemone Nemorosa sachets

A while back I bought a ball of Sirdar Just Bamboo in brilliant white just to try it out. It ended up sitting in my stash for a good while before I finally decided to make something with it. One ball of ribbon bamboo is not the easiest thing to think of a project for!


I finally came up with these little sachets or tiny pouches which would be perfect for stitch markers or other little notions. Here's the very simple pattern for you. I call it the Anemone Nemorosa because the sachets remind me of this beautiful, wild spring flower.


I offer this free knitting pattern for no fee for your own personal use - you may not sell this pattern or the hats you knit using it (please ask me about charity).


Please if you like this pattern do concider taking a look at the products I advertise here on my website and use my links for your Amazon & co purchases - it earns me a small fee to be able to cover the costs of running this blog!


Please contact me if you find any errors in this pattern.


Anemone Nemorosa sachets


You'll need: A small amount of Sirdar Just Bamboo or other worsted weight yarn of your choice (one ball of Sirdar Just Bamboo will make six sachets) 4 mm (US 6) dpns or a circular needle for magic loop


Gauge: 5 stitches x 7 rows to an inch / 2,5 cm in stockinette stitch. Please note! I am a very loose knitter, hence the small needle size (by default Sirdar Just Bamboo calls for 5,5 mm / US 9 needles). The sachets are so small, making a gauge swatch would be a waste of time, but please be aware that my recommended needle size might be too small for you. If in doubt, use the needle size recommended on the ball band!




Cast on 22 stitches, divide evenly on three dpns and join to knit in the round, be careful not to twist the work. Knit for two inches / 5 cm; that is about 14 rounds. You can make the pouch taller or shorter by knitting more or less rounds.


Now change to the edging stitch: (yo, k2tog) around. Work every round like this for ca. 1,5 inches / 3,5 cm; that should be around 6 rounds. Now cast off in a loose way - here's my absolute favourite method.


Now you'll just need to make a cord to close the pouch - I used a twisted cord with two strands, starting length ca 80 cm (35 inches)(see a tutorial here), but you could do a skinny i-cord too, or just use a beautiful ribbon.


The sachet is almost done! Turn the work inside out and sew the bottom opening closed, then sew in the yarn ends and turn the work back to right-side-up. Insert the cord into one of the first edging row yo-holes and pull it out the next hole. Thread the cord in and out like this, the other end will come out from the same hole you first inserted the cord.


Put something nice in the sachet, tie a bow with the cord and you're done! Enjoy!


If you make these sachets, please share your work at Ravelry.


Anemone Nemorosa sachets
Anemone Nemorosa sachets
Anemone Nemorosa sachets
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