Havanna Malecon promenade from our hotel window

As you may have guessed, my two weeks of "making a dream come true" was a trip - to Cuba!


I've been hoping to travel there since I was 15, and this year a lady in my knitting group finally talked the sense in me to indeed make this dream come true - it's not that travelling to Cuba is impossible, it's just that I always taught it would be very expensive.


Well, not necessarily true. In February we booked our last minute tickets and the last two weeks I've been enjoying all the culture, warmth and Mojitos Cuba has to offer. I loved most of it - and found everything very interesting. Just leave a comment if you'd want to know more or want to ask something!


But now, please take a look at the pics and share the trip with me!


PS. I did not bring my knitting - at 25° the yarn just doesn't feel that good!


Havanna From Maximo Gomez's statue to Capitolio
Streets of Havanna - pic from a Cocotaxi (look it up!)
The Cocotaxi ride was exhilarating!
Malecon by sundown
Havanna by night
A typical Cuban street in Varadero
A tired dog in Trinidad
Varadero Beach
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