Yarns for charity squares
Yarns for charity squares

I was reading Minimalist Knitter's (aka Robyn's) site as I often do and came across her newest charity endeavour: participating in Knit a Squillion action by Knit a Square.


Their ambitious plan is to to send 1,2 million squares to South Africa by July 10, 2012.


I mean: wow. 1,2 million squares will make blankets for 36.000 children in need. I thought: I want to participate in this!


Robyn set up a challenge for herself and for her readers: she will make 10 squares a month and challenges everyone reading her blog to make 25 squares. And you know what: I'll take the challenge and pass it on.


I challenge myself to knit 25 squares for this campaign THIS YEAR. My knit 50 items for charity is way back from schedule, and I hope this action will get me back on track. Plus I'll get to knit down some of my stash, like the ones pictured.


I am also challenging you to knit 25 squares, too!


All it takes is some yarn, needles and a bit of time to whip up 8 inch / 20 cm squares - any yarn, any weight, any colour, any pattern - and a little bit of money to send them to South Africa.


Are you up for the challenge? Make sure to do the following:


  1. Download the Knit a Squillion flyer that explains the challenge
  2. Get knitting!
  3. Invite 5 or more friends to join the fun!
  4. Share your progress here at Worsted-knitt.net in the comments or at my Facebook page
  5. Send your squares! Make sure to follow the instructions Knit a Square has published
  6. Feel a warmth in your heart for doing something great for kids who otherwise have so little!


Are you with me? I'll be sharing my progress reqularly and look forward to seeing and hearing how you are doing, too! Now let's get started!

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