To knit from the stash - in which there is a lot of tiny amounts of acrylic novelty yarns - I developed this fun scrap scarf: basically knitting stripes longways across the scarf, and making up the sequence as I go along.


I originally made one for a Christmas present, and it was such a fun bit of easy knitting, I made another one, which I finished today.

I used different kinds of eyelash yarn, some neon blue mohair mix, supersoft baby yarn (the scarf is supposed to be worn, after all!) and leftovers of chunky wools. I knit it all insize 10 mm needles, longways. I haven't got a clue how many stitches or rows I have. Result: a very soft and lovely  'alternative punk' scarf (that's what Nick said).

Probably this scarf will be given to some good purpose as well - as much as I like it, it's not exactly my style. 


Tein tällaisen hauskan pituussunnassa ainaoikein neulotun huivin hävittääkseni kaikenlaisia kummallisia langanrippeitä lankavarastostani. Vaihdoin väriä ja lankaa kun siltä tuntui, ja muutaman raidan kudoin niinkin, että lanka loppui - sitten jatkettiin toisella.


Näitä teen lisää, on niin helppoa ja hauskaa! 

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