
Updated 07th January 2012!


I found this site a while back and thought the idea was great - but didn't do anything at the time. Now I came across it again, and thought why not? I've been looking for a direction to my life, and it is known to me that I work best towards goals.


So here's my list. I will be updating it here, and blogging about special reached goals. I think I'll add a link to the side bar for this, so one can easily find it, and also add a "101" tag to the postings. So, but now the list:


101 in 1001
6.4.2009 to


Updated 17.09


1.Travel to Japan done 03-04/10
2.Travel to Scotland
3.Visit Berlin done 06/10
4.Visit Paris done 12/09
5.Visit Amsterdam
6.Visit Spain
7.Visit Croatia done 09/10
8.Visit Kettwig done 04/09
9.Visit the Gasometer done 04/10
10.Visit Köln Dome done 04/09



1.Knit 5 sweaters (4/5)

  1. Corona (05/09)
  2. Bramblewood vest (10/09)
  3. Owls (12/09)
  4. Eccentric sweater (03/10)
  5. Coraline (05/11)

2.Knit 20 preemie items (14/20)
3.Knit further 20 items for charity (20/20)(07/10)
4.Knit a sexy thing - Hotpants! (10/11)
5.Knit a Drupal hat
6.Get stash below 10 kg and keep it there It's been at 8-9 kg for a while now.
7.Knit Nick a sweater 03/10
8.Knit knee socks(07/11) - The Lighthouse Socks
9.Knit a linen shawl
10.Knit a skirt - Lanesplitter (10/11)
11.Knit gloves with fingers
12.Knit a “real lace” piece – Ishbel 3.6.09


23.Design 10 things (4/10)

  1. Bubblegum punk mittens 02/10
  2. Kuebel hat 03/10
  3. Anemone Nemorosa sachets 05/10
  4. Chubby Cat Hats 10/10

24.Submit one design to a knitting resource
25.Dye all the to-be-dyed-yarn I have at the moment
26.Get a sewing machine
27.Do one piece of guerrilla knitting (01/2011)
28.Go to a craft fair
29.Go to a KIP Day gathering done 06/10
30.Write a short novel
31.Paint with watercolours (2/20)
32.Re-design the cat relaxing bag


33.Lose 10 kilos of weight and keep it off
34.Fit into the H&M capris that I love
35.Detox one day per month (6/33) (abandoned this goal)
36.Buy only organic cheese (failed: 8)
37.Buy only organic eggs (fail: 1)
38.Eat vegan for a week, four times (4/4) (05/10)
39.Take aquajogging class (2/2)(Q4/2009 & Q1/2010)
40.Learn to only eat when hungry
41.Go to the dentist (3/3)
42.Eat 5-a-day every day for a week, 10 times (7/10)
43.Get new glasses (06/09)
44.Learn how to use the mooncup (06/10)


45.Find my life purpose To help
46.Start a dream book
47.Visit 10 new (to me) museums or exhibitions in my area

  1. UPH
  2. K21, Düsseldorf
  3. NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf
  4. Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf
  5. Stilwerk, Düsseldorf (Chinese ink art)
  6. RedDot, Essen
  7. Museum Folkwang, Essen
  8. SANAA Bau, Essen
  9. U, Dortmund

48.Learn how to spin (abandoned goal)
49.Learn basic Spanish (abandoned goal)
50.Read a book in French (abandoned goal)
51.Read “Bildung –alles was man wissen muss”
52.Read 100 other books (86/100)

  1. Frida Kahlo by Genschow, Karen
  2. Nomadentochter (Desert Dawn) by Waris Dirie
  3. Finde deinen Platz im Leben - Monbourquette, Jean
  4. Unten Rum – Haarmann, Claudia
  5. Das Schweigen der Unschuld – Mam, Somaly
  6. Frosch rettet Tokyo – Murakami, Haruki
  7. Schönheitsmythos – Klein, Naomi
  8. Bis dass der Tod uns scheidet – Majer Krich, Rochelle
  9. Gute Mädchen kommen in den Himmel... - Erhardt, Ute
  10. Harry Potter 1 – Rowling, J. K.
  11. The wind-up-bird chronicles – Murakami, Haruki
  12. The Twilight saga 1
  13. The Twilight saga 2
  14. The Twilight saga 3
  15. The Twilight saga 4
  16. Feminismus für Eilige – Karsch, Margaret
  17. Kulturschock Japan – Lutterjohann, Martin
  18. Herrmann, Conny - Das Recht auf Weiblichkeit
  19. Wenzel, Eike et al - Greenomics
  20. Schauer. Cathrin - Kinder auf dem Strich
  21. Ehrhard, Ute - Und jeden tag ein bisschen böser
  22. Harry Potter 5 - Order of the Phoenix – Rowling, J. K.
  23. Harry Potter 7 – Heiligtümer des Todes – Rowling, J. K.
  24. Harry Potter 4 – The goblet of Fire – Rowling, J. K.
  25. Bekoff, Marc – Das unnötige leiden der Tiere
  26. Aufhauser, Michael – Retter die Tiere
  27. Hable, Silvia – Augen zu gilt nicht
  28. Harry Potter 6 - The half-blood prince
  29. Lenz, Angela – Vater unser in der Hölle
  30. Berger, Effi – Ein Model packt aus
  31. Brennan, Marie – Doppelganger
  32. Fels, Kerstin – Die Axt in Chrysantemien
  33. Knaths, Marion – Spiele mit der Macht
  34. Oakes-Ash, Rachael – Gute Mädchen essen auf
  35. Edelfedt, Inge – Der Bote
  36. Udink, Betsy – Allah & Eva
  37. Oxnam, Robert B – Ich bin Robert, Bobby und Wanda
  38. Kenner, Julie – Carpe Demon
  39. Canavan, Trudi – The Novice (die Novizin)
  40. Spiotta, Dana – Eat the Document
  41. McGormic, Patricia – Sold (Verkauft)
  42. Asgodom, Sabine – Lebe wild und unersättlich
  43. Batstone, David – Not for Sale (Sklavenhandel heute)
  44. 50 Cent - Dealer Rapper Millionär
  45. Simperl, Michael - Lessness
  46. Renn, Crystal – Hungry
  47. Meschnig, Alexander & Stuhr, Mathias – Wunschlos Unglücklich- Alles über Konsum
  48. Bongiorni, Sara – Ein Jahr ohne Made in China
  49. Reinhardt, Susie – FrauenLeben ohne Kinder
  50. Donath, Anne – Wer wandert, braucht nur, was er tragen kann
  51. Hoffman, Bert – Kuba
  52. McDermid, Val – Blue Genes
  53. Virginia Woolf – Mrs Dalloway
  54. Alexander von Schönburg - Die Kunst des stilvollen Verarmens
  55. Naomi Moriyama – Schön und Schlank
  56. Jean-Paul Sartre – Im Räderwerk
  57. Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club
  58. Patterson, James - 8th Confession
  59. Fallon, Jennifer – Erbin des Throns
  60. Szolnoki, Esther – Tu's doch!
  61. Ferriss, Tim - 4-Hour-Workweek
  62. Asgodom, Sabine – Raus aus der Komfortzone
  63. Martin, Courtney - Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters
  64. Sam, Anna – Die Leiden einer Kassiererin
  65. Wigge, Michael – Ohne Geld bis Ende der Welt
  66. Hawks, Tony – Mit einer Kühlschrank durch Irland
  67. Maurer, Jörg – Hochsaison
  68. Zanele – Sie nennen mich Smiley
  69. Brown, Dan – Das velorene Symbol
  70. Fitzek, Sebastian – Splitter
  71. Peters, Veronika – Was in zwei Koffern passt
  72. Auster, Paul – The New York Trilogie
  73. Dieckmann, Guido – Die Magistra
  74. Schacht, Andrea -die Elfte Jungfrau
  75. Norman, Diana – Mistress in the Art of Death
  76. Janczyk Rüdiger- Wagners Tränen
  77. Meryn, Siegfried – Leben bis 100
  78. Lennon, Patrick - Stahlhexen
  79. Herman, Laura – Lustvoll Weiblich
  80. Raven Wolf, Silver – Freche Hexen
  81. Molitor, Monika – Buch für Junghexen
  82. Molitor, Monika – Rituale für Junghexen
  83. Seymor, John – Das neue Buch vom Leben auf dem Lande
  84. Cantieni, Benita – Catpower
  85. Lauren, Jillian – Harem Girls
  86. Conway, Deanna - Norse Magic
  87. Lawhead, Stephan – Die Tochter des Pilgers

53.Take a class at the VHS 11/09
54.Learn 10-finger-typing (06/10)
55.Learn to meditate
56.Read the Bible (goal abandoned)
57.Go to church (9/10)


58.Have my nails done - 06/09
59.Get professional makeup done and learn from it!
60.Have a pedicure - 06/09
61.Have a massage 11/10
62.Learn to walk on high heels 12/10
63.Wear high heels to work
64.Buy a suit (with a skirt) (12/10) Bought two without skirts
65.Wear a skirt or dress every day for a week (4/5)
66.Obtain 3 pieces of extravagant clothing that I wouldn’t usually wear and wear them at least once (2/3)


67.Organise the Ravelry Favourites
68.Clear out clutter in my closet, including old underwear 09/09
69.Donate the books etc I don’t need any more09/09
70.Find out where to donate books etc. in my area
71.Save money: +10% of previous year’s wealth – yearly (3/3)


72.Donate blood
73.Donate trees (to be planted) 12/09
74.Donate 100 eur per year to charity (3/3)
75.Get a „godchild“ or a “foster animal” through Plan, local animal shelter etc. (08/09 - a girl in Sierra Leone!)
76.Send out 50 RAKs (41/50)


77.Go to a restaurant every month (29/33)

  1. Seitenblick, Essen (04/09)
  2. Pasta restaurant, Düsseldorf (05/09)
  3. Biergarten Gruga (06/09)
  4. Tivoli, Tampere (07/09)
  5. Sausalitos, Essen(08/09)
  6. Cafe Sixth Sense, Essen (09/09)
  7. Theatercafe, Essen (10/09)
  8. La India Bonita (11/09)
  9. Le Godjo, Paris (12/09)
  10. UPH, Essen (01/10)
  11. Zodiac, Essen (02/10)
  12. Extrablatt, Essen (03/10)
  13. Clover, Nara, Japan (04/10)
  14. Zodiac, Essen (05/10)
  15. Yellow Sunshine, Berlin (06/10)
  16. Wasabi, Essen (07/10)
  17. UPH, Essen (08/10)
  18. La India Bonita (09/10)
  19. UPH, Essen (10/10)
  20. UPH, Essen (11/10)
  21. Extrablatt, Essen (12/10)
  22. Wasabi, Essen (01/11)
  23. - (02/11)
  24. Visited many Cuban restaurants (03/11)
  25. Donau-Ries, Deiningen (04/11)
  26. Extrablatt, Essen (05/11)
  27. -(06/11)
  28. 2h+keittiö, Tampere (07/11)
  29. La India Bonita, Essen (08/11)
  30. Extrablatt, Essen (09/11)
  31. -(10/11)
  32. -(11/11)
  33. La India Bonita, Essen (12/11)

78.10 of these restaurants need to be new to me (8/10)

  1. Seitenblick, Essen (04/09)
  2. Pasta restaurant, Düsseldorf (05/09)
  3. Biergarten Gruga (06/09)
  4. Cafe Sixth Sense, Essen (09/09)
  5. Le Godjo, Paris (12/09)
  6. Clover, Nara, Japan (04/10)
  7. Yellow Sunshine, Berlin (06/10)
  8. Donau-Ries, Deiningen (04/11)

79.Have a picnic
80.Let my haircolour grow out 11/09
81.Go to German Raveler meeting (10/11) - Frechen
82.Go to the theater (6/10)

  1. Shakespeares gesamte Werke leicht gekürzt (Shalespeare's whole production somewhat shortened) in Theater Rathaus
  2. Geschlossene Gesellschaft in Kleines Theater (06/09)
  3. Zurück zur Happy End in Kleines Theater (12/09)
  4. Alles im Garten (09/10)
  5. Job Suey (09/11)
  6. Keine Leiche ohne Lily (12/11)

83.Go to a rock concert Green Day 10/09
84.Go to a classical concert (09/10)
85.Go see ballet
86.See Starlight Express in Bochum
87.Go see basketball
88.Go to an amusement park
90.Go to the cinema (15/15)

  1. Harry Potter & Half-blood prince (07/09)
  2. UP (09/09)
  3. Soul Kitchen (01/10)
  4. Up in the Air (02/10)
  5. Alice in Wonderland (05/10)
  6. Eclipse (07/10)
  7. Vampires Suck (10/10)
  8. Harry Potter 7, part 1 (11/10)
  9. Wall Street (10/10)
  10. Tron (12/10)
  11. Black Swan
  12. Alemanya (04/11)
  13. Four Lions (05/11)
  14. Harry Potter 7, part 2 (07/11)
  15. Sherlock Holmes(12/11)

91.Go to a night club 09/09


92.Get a raise 07/2011
93.Buy a swimsuit06/09
94.Write a card every month (20/33) (abandoned)
95.Bake 10 different cakes (8/10)

  1. Aprikosenkuchen (05/2009)
  2. Rhabarberkuchen (05/09)
  3. Käsekuchen (06/09)
  4. Apple pie (09/09)
  5. Vegan tofu cheese cake (01/10)
  6. Vegan chocolate cake (01/10)
  7. Vegan banana cake (05/10)
  8. Nuss-Gugelhupf (10/11)

96.Clean the windows (2/3)
97.Write a letter to myself in the future 09/09
98.Take a self portrait every month (31/33)
99.Identify 100 things that make me happy


The rest
100.Knit a sweater from Fitted Knits (07/10)
101.Write an ebook


102.Look great on wedding day(s) - I sure did!
103.Compete in a walk/run race for charity
104.Whiten my teeth (09/10)
105.Read 10 poetry books

  1. a)Du – Kahlau, Heinz

106.Dance in the rain

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