All preemie knits 2009

This is my 2009 tally für preemies. You might know that I support the German knit for preemies charity Frühchenstricken, who collect preemie knits and distribute them to the hospitals who request them. I usually send one packet a year, and this is the one for 2009 (they asked me to wait over Christmas to send it, so I only sent it last week).


What I made:
2 cotton blankets, ca 55x60 cm big
5 pairs of preemie socks
5 preemie hats


OK, it's not so much, but hey, every little helps and I know these items will beused by those who need them. Plus preemie knits are so great for quick stashbusting projects!


PS. What do you think about the new background Nick made for me?

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