Worsted Knitt
Worsted Knitt

I just noticed I haven't blogged about two hats I finished months ago! Time to correct that mistake.


First I have a beret - the pattern I used is Beret Easy and the yarn is an old merino / modal blend called Marika Moon. I was going to give this hat to my mother in law, but I still have it... let's see what I do with it!


The second hat is made with a vintage Irish wool which I dyed myself. I think I used a 5 mm needle for the hat.


The pattern is self thought up too. I tried to make a nice cable, but it ended up pretty wonky. Back to the drawing board with that pattern!


On a side note, I'm healthy again! I think I must have had a slight food poisoning - I was soooo sick, but it passed quickly.

Worsted Knitt
Worsted Knitt
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