Assets of Evo

I do still knit things other than charity scarves, you know? Not much, but I do. To prove that, here are my two WIPs at the moment: a pair of hotpants and a skirt.


The hotpants are made with Marnie MacLean's pattern Assets of Evo. I am using a microfiber yarn given to me years ago called Junghans Wolle Opal. It's a lovely smooth yarn with a great sheen! I can't wait to see my bum in it :D


My gauge is as usual off, so I am working the size S, which will propably come out as size L. Im already at the crotch, so these should be finished very soon, as I am not planning on making the double-stitch picture on them.


The second WIP is almost an UFO already - a woolen skirt. You can imagine I'm not so keen on knitting on it in June!


It's the famous Lanesplitter from Knitty, and I am making it with Novita Julia and Puro yarns (wool blend and wool). There's not much to knit before the decrease rows start, but I am happily burying this project in my knitting closet until fall sets in.


What are you working on the moment? Please share in the comments!

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