10 more Squillion Squares
Yellow preemie blanket

It's been a month since my last confession... no, I mean my last Knit a Squillion square posting! I haven't been as busy a bee as I was in August, but I've met my goal and passed it!


This month, I've knit 10 new squares, five in organic cotton, three in sock yarn held double or triple, and one in Lang Eve yarn.


All are garter stitch, warm and thick, and I hope the children that wil be getting the finished blankets will love them.


I've also finished a preemie blanket with 150 grams of cotton in bright, happy yellow. The blanket is about 50 x 50 cm big, stockinette with garter edges. This will go to charity, too.


All in all, these 11 charity knits bring my 2011 Charity list to 41 - 50 seems so doable now!

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