Worsted Knitt

It's been a while since I've taken part in a swap, I don't know why, as I really like them! Well, I've signed up for another one now, even before I got this lovely package from Jo across the channel (UK).


Look at all the lovelies; to mention just a few: pretty yarn (Artesano Alpaca and Rennie 4-ply wool) and an extravagant scarf, tasty toffe licorice and even a mini sock blocker!


In addition there were hand made stitch markers, pearls to make some myself, tea, soap, lip gloss... what else... ribbons and hand made buttons... should I go on?? I will: even an Totoro charm!


I especially loved the little button that says "Born to Dye" :) Can you see that I was thoroughly spoiled?


Thanks Jo!

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