Froot Loops

No, it's not a new health food, it's my newest FO!


I'm slowly getting back my sock knitting mojo which was gone for a long time - I've been enjoying shawl knitting so much that I've forgotten all about how I liked knitting socks. But then I discovered this pretty yarn and the Froot Loop pattern in my May Small Item Club bag, I decided to get my dpns out and make some socks. Here are the specs:


Yarn: Lana Grossa Meilenweit Soja, a sock yarn with 60% wool, 20% soy and 20% nylon. I just now learned that the wool in this yarn is merino - damn! Another lovely yarn I must try and find out if the poor merinos have been mulesed or not.
Pattern: Froot Loops from Knitty
Needles: 2 mm dpns
Modifications: no, I pretty much followed the pattern!


I liked the pattern and the look of these socks - but I made them too short for my foot! I did try them on after turning the heel but apparently the pattern was so stretchy it fooled me to think the sock would be long enough. Well, it's not. So as much as I was hoping to keep these socks to myself, I think I must give them to someone with a smaller foot.

Froot Loops
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Thanks @kala and @Rae - I might know whom to gift the socks to! But I do need to make myself a summer pair of socks too, either with bamboo, soy or cotton I think.

thanks @Vivianne and @Melissa! I am currently taking part in a swap, and I think these socks will fit my swap partner (she doesn't know who I am so it's ok to reveal my plans!)

They're "her colour" and she hoped for socks so... I am blocking the socks as we speak!